Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Two down, two more to go

Two down, two more to go. Two what though, that's the question. Two weeks. Two weeks have passed in which I packed my things, bought more china I didn't need, did my shopping and started saying goodbye to people. After five months at home, the time has finally come to leave again. Once more to France, only this time, not to Paris. This time round, I will get to know Lyon a little bit.
As usual I'm taking far more things then I will probably need. However, having your very own kitchenette ought to be celebrated. As does having your own bathroom. No other hairs in the drain than my own. It's still disgusting, but not nearly as disgusting as someone else's. For the first time since leaving the nest, I can put chocolate in my fridge. And it'll stay there. As do the nice desserts.
Despite having lived toward these final two days at home for weeks now, suddenly I start to get a little scared. Worried that it will not be great. I don't even dare to hope for a good time. For nice colleagues and hopefully new friends. Theoretically I'll find those. As it is seasonal work helping holiday-makers if they get into trouble in the sense of problems with their cars and caravans, there will be more people like me there. Hired for a few months. New in town. Usually that makes people stick together as no one knows anyone.
It will be summer so the weather will hopefully do its bit for a good time. Otherwise the shops will. Once in a while, one should make an effort to live in France. Not least to expand the contents of one's wardrobe according to the latest fashion. And there is a home in the countryside to go to, especially during hot days. To do nothing but relax, tan, pick cherries and maybe do some baking.
So what can go wrong you wonder? Not much, I agree. Then what is there to be scared off? Coming to think of it, I don't know. Perhaps I'm scared to be lonely there. That I will not be arriving together with other new people but have to start alone among employees that have been there forever. Perhaps it won't be so easy making new friends then. Yet, I have never lived somewhere and not had any friend at all. So statistically, we should assume that things look rather well and that there is no real need to worry and only need to enjoy.

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